Programmatically create a poll and add choice in Drupal 9.

September 10, 2022

In Drupal 9 poll and poll choice both are separate entity.

Create a Poll Entity :

/* Poll will be created here. */
$poll = Poll::create(array(
'id' => 'poll',
'uid' => '50',
'question' => $title,
'anonymous_vote_allow' => '1',
'cancel_vote_allow' => '0',
'result_vote_allow' => '1',
'status' => '0',

Create a Poll Choice Entity :

/* Choices will be added here. */
$choices = PollChoice::create(array(
'id' => 'poll_choice',
'uid' => '50',
'choice' => $data
$choice_id = $choices->id();

Adding created choice to the poll :


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